Instead of showering your mom with the bouquet of carnation, why not surprise her with the gift of health by signing her (and yourself) up for the Mother’s Day Charity Fun Walk? Besides the opportunity to create new memories together, your mom will feel pampered, refreshed and loved with the array of wholesome goodies and tempting prizes!
Credit: Toggle
The inaugural event is organised by Mediacorp and is set to take place at Marina Barrage. Fret not, if your mum is not an avid walker, as the walk will be 1.314 km and is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Apart from getting to enjoy the skyline, both your mom and you get to do charity together too, as half of the ticketing proceeds will be donated to the organisation- AWWA. Before we forget, all participants can also look forward to being part of the crowd to help create a new record in the Singapore Books of Records (gasp!)
Credit: nvf
Besides caring for the less fortunate, the organisers also “care” for the participants by providing tempting rewards. All participants will stand a chance to win lucky draw prizes worth over $6,000, which includes the OSIM uLove Massage Chair! Remember to share your walk moments wefie on your social media with the hashtag- #ILoveYouMumChallenge to win extra goodies!
Credit: OSIM
Do not hurry home after the completing the walk, make sure you collect your bonus Sheng Shiong grocery pack and popcorn! Do head to the Mother's Day Carnival with your mom after that for performances by Mediacorp artistes, free photos, and carnival game booths. If you like, you can shop at the bazaar and get a personalised gift for your mom too.
Credit: Chapel of Flowers
Tickets Prices
Credit: Toggle
Every participant will receive ONE fun pack worth $100 each, comprising of the following items:
- An exclusive drawstring bag
- Dri-Fit Race Tee for each participating adult^ (Refer to size chart here )
- 3-months digital subscription of 8 DAYS or i-Weekly magazine
- Assorted vouchers and products from our participating partners
Walk Details
Date: 13 May 2018, Sunday
Time: 8am to 1pm
Venue: Marina Barrage
Registration closes on 6th May 2018. Find out more here.