Channel: My Fat Pocket
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Want Better Sports Performance? Be Superstitious Like Them!


Don’t you agree that superstitions sound childlike? And it’s a rarity to even hear someone credit his or her success to their “beliefs”. Yet surprisingly, study has shown that superstitions can exert a placebo effect on sports performance and help athletes perform better.


Credit: Lockerroomsports

Maybe it’s really time for us to learn from these reputable athletes and their personal rituals. 

Cristiano Ronaldo

This Madrid heart throb always insists on being the first to disembark while travelling to a game by plane. And he chooses the back seat and alights last if he’s travelling by bus to the game venue.


Credit: Telegraph

Ronaldo also never fails to style his hair during half time, as he doesn’t fancy playing both halves of the game with the same hairstyle (Vainpot?).


Maria Sharapova

Let us temporarily forget all about Maria’s ban from professional tournaments and her medolnium’s addiction. This Russian superstar does have a well-known sports ritual, and that’s avoiding the lines on the tennis court or any other court markings (at all cost).


Credit: Playco

Apart from that, Maria adopts a routine which includes turning her back on her opponents, and walking away from the baseline to fiddle with her racquet strings before serving the powerful shot.


Michael Jordan

If you’re observant, you will definitely notice that This “Space Jam” basketballer’s shorts is way longer than his fellow players. Turns out, Michael Jordon loves wearing his blue North Carolina shorts underneath his Bull skivvy. And he does it for every single game because he truly believes it’s his lucky charm.


Credit: Nster

The fun fact here is, Jordan had to customise his shorts to be longer and baggier in order to avoid the risk of looking like a fashion weirdo. 


Serena Williams

The 35-year-old tennis player cum actress does have a long list of sports quirks, such that she bounces the tennis ball 5 times before her first serve, and twice before her second. Yet, the weirdest and grossest of all is she will only wear a single pair of socks without washing it during any given tournament. 


Credit: Bloomgist

We wonder how her opponents tolerate her “unique” foot odour, but she probably doesn’t give a heck about it.


Tiger Woods

How do you associate Sundays and Tiger Woods? Well the answer is definitely RED shirt. In fact, Tiger never fails to don on red every Sunday (if he’s competing). The tradition stems from his amateur days, when he picked red as his lucky colour. Apparently, the idea was reinforced when the university he went to played in red.


Credit: Bidnessetc

5 Ways to Upgrade Basic Crunches


What's so bad about basic crunches? "They don't challenge your deep core muscles, which provide support for a body in motion," explains celebrity trainer Kira Stokes, creator of The Stoked Method and Stoked Series classes. Here, five nontraditional moves from Stokes to build a better core.

Credit: Getty Images

C-Curve Hold With Pulses

This move works the entire rectus abdominis, giving you that six-pack you're after.

How to do it: Sit with knees bent and feet flat on the floor; lower down to elbows (A). Tuck tailbone, pressing lower back firmly into the floor, and draw naval toward spine. Lift elbows, reaching hands forward; place them lightly on sides of thighs. (B). Pulse upper body up an inch and down an inch. Continue for 3 sets of 45-second intervals. To make it even harder, release your hands from your thighs while pulsing.


Plank Knee Tuck

This hits the transverse abdominis, aka your body's natural girdle, to nix slouching and stabilize the spine. Also tones the low abdomen (read: belly pouch).

How to do it: Start in plank position with toes pressing into gliders or a towel (A). Draw navel toward spine and engage glutes; tip hips up slightly higher than shoulder level. Exhale; slowly pull knees in until they are about 2 inches in front of hips (B). Inhale and reverse back to start. Do 3 sets of 45-second intervals.


Standing Oblique Crunch

This move targets the obliques (the muscles that let you twist your torso), stretching and strengthening them to whittle your waistline into that coveted V shape.

How to do it: Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart; extend right leg out to the side. Tuck tailbone, engage glutes, and draw navel toward spine as you tilt to the left, right hand reaching overhead toward left shoulder (A). Exhale while crunching to the right, bringing right elbow and right knee together (B). Inhale; return to "A." Do 3 sets of 45-second intervals per side.


Side-Lying Swivel Crunch

This will get your whole core involved. The payoff: better balance, more graceful posture, and a lower risk of injury. It's especially good for the obliques, which means a slimmer middle.

How to do it: Lie on left side with left forearm on the floor and hips and feet stacked. Extend right arm overhead, squeezing glutes and drawing navel toward spine. Contract abs and lift legs about 3 inches off the floor (A). Roll onto left glute and lift legs to about a 45-degree angle while bringing right hand to touch left shin (B). Return to "A." Continue for 3 sets of 45- to 60-second intervals per side.


Bird Dog Crunch

This increases stability and strength in the abs and lower back. It may feel like more of a balance move, but each time you bring your elbow to your knee, you're sculpting your core, too.

How to do it: Start on all fours with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips; gaze toward the floor to keep head and neck in a neutral position. Draw navel toward spine and, maintaining a flat back, extend right arm and left leg straight out (A). Bring right elbow to left knee (B); hold for 1 to 2 seconds, then return to "A." Do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps per side. To make it harder, in the extended position, pulse ar and leg (hello, glute challenge!) up twice.

By Rozalynn S. Frazier

Source: Health.com

5 Ways to Burn Calories on Vacation without Stepping Out


With so many tourist spots to explore, long list of unique delicacies to savour & “cheap” shopping, who on earth has time for EXERCISE during a vacation right? It’s easy to let travel derail your workout routine, but hey you can still squeeze in some moves amidst your busy itinerary!


Credit: Fitnessontoast

Lift that Baggie

Aside from being a fashion accessory or just another bag to store your shopping loots, your travel backpack can be your dumbbell too.

How to do it:

Kneel on the edge of the bed with your one leg, and the other leg off. Now hold your backpack in one hand, and bring it up to your chest. Hold the position for 30 seconds, and lower the bag back down.

Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each side. 


Credit: Intuitiveathelete

Amp up the load:

Increase the weight by adding more stuffs into your backpack, or substitute it with your luggage (hold it by the side handle)

Off the Bed Push Up

Place your hands on the edge of the bed, with both feet on the ground behind you in a push up positon. Lower yourself down to the bed, and keep the position for 10 seconds. Slowly push back up to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

You can do this on the chair or sofa too!


Credit: Popsugar

Decline Bed Push Ups

Place your feet on the bed and hands on the floor. Remember to stack some pillows on the floor first in case you fall over.

Gradually lower your chest to the ground while keeping your elbows close to your body. Remain in the same position for 10 seconds, then push yourself back to the starting position. Do 5 sets of 5 repetitions.


Credit: Livestrong

Lunge with Your Pillow

Start off with a lunge position (right leg forward) and hold a pillow with outstretched arms. Turn your upper body and arms to your right, as far as you can, retract and return to the center. Repeat for 10 times, and then switch legs and turn to the left.


Credit: Mensfitness

Slam that Pillow

Stand near the edge of the bed. Then hold the pillow and stand with your legs wider than shoulder width apart. With fully extended arms, raise the pillow overhead. Drop into a low squat position and bring the pillow down to your navel. Release and let the pillow slam on the floor.

Quickly grab the pillow, and return to the starting position. Repeat as many times as possible. 


Credit: Jellyfields

Nursing a Post Vacation Workout Laziness?


So you skipped a few workouts and just idle your afternoons away on the hammock during your recent vacay? And now, everything seems more appealing (even helping your mum with the errands) than returning to your pre- vacation exercise regimen?


Credit: Academica

No worries sweeties, just follow these tips and you’ll be bouncing back on track in no time.

Don’t Rush It

Don’t let guiltiness make you feel all obligated to jump straight into your pre-vacation exercise regimen. Rather, take some time to plan how many days you intend to work out during the first post-vacation week. Remember to start with less intense workout, to avoid overstraining your “relaxed” muscles and ending up with body sore the next day.


Credit: Wikihow

Revisit Your Health Goals

The best motivator is none other than yourself. Remind yourself the reasons you started working out, and recall how you feel when you achieved your goals. Alternatively, you would establish new goals, and brainstorm new ways to achieve them.


Credit: Yourfitnesspath

Reinvent the Old

Sometimes it’s really difficult to get back at something, especially when the novelty wears off. Rather than continuing with your usual, try adding in some different elements. Here are some great ideas:

-       Try out a new running/ cycling or hiking route

-       Spice up that gentle Yoga session with a little hip hop dance in between

-       Create a new playlist to spur you on

-       Sign up for the same class under the same instructor but on a different timeslot or days (make some new friends)


Credit: Imore

Recruit a Buddy

Ever heard of the saying, the more the merrier? Break free from the lone runner status, and invite your friends along on your next workout trip. It's definitely more fun to have someone to motivate you and share your joy with.

If your friends are all couch potatoes, fret not and try this.

With so many meetups going on, you will surely find like-minded people to have a fulfilling workout session with.


Credit: Popsuagr

Meet Marie, Who Runs for Rescue Dogs


When we are all running to keep fit and attain personal goals, Marie took running a step further to raise funds for rescue dogs. Meet Marie Choo, who was formerly a public relations professional who gave up her corporate life to become a dog behaviourist and trainer. 


1. When did you start running?

I started running in April 2014. At that time, I couldn’t even run 2km to save my life. I started running for 2 main reasons - to get fit and to avoid falling into depression.  I was feeling depressed about the conflict between the nature of my work as a public relations professional and my personal evolution as someone who prefers to live a simple life and work with dogs. 


2. What is your daily routine like?

I like and need to be active every day. In addition to walking my dogs twice a day for about 30-40 minutes each time, I will also be engaged in some kind of fitness activities. I run 5 times a week as part of my marathon training. I do yoga about 2-4 times a week as a counter balance to my running. I also do indoor rock climbing and barre class at least once a week. If schedule permits, I also like to fit in swimming and strength training at home. 


3. Any tips for beginners who want to kick start a fitness regime?

It is always intimidating to start something new so it is great to have friends to get you started. I started running more when my neighbour encouraged me. She was the one who offered to run with me when I first started and even signed me up for the first few races. Once you established a routine, you will then have the confidence and courage to train on your own. The same goes for going to the gym. I was intimidated at first but a friend brought me to the gym on a one week trial. She went to a spin class with me and showed me how to adjust the bike. I am now a member and I go to the gym alone these days. Regardless of your choice of fitness pursuit, it is important to enjoy the activities. Fitness is more sustainable if you actually enjoy doing it. Try as many new activities as you can to find what you enjoy doing. I have recently picked up indoor rock climbing again and I do it once or twice a week. 


4. We know that you have been running to raise funds for needy dogs. Can you tell us more about it?

When I first started volunteering in dog welfare, I realised that there are a lot of less fortunate dogs in Singapore. I want to be the voice for the voiceless, so I run to raise funds to buy food for them in the shelters. I always believe that giving is a blessing. To be able to give is a gift in itself. I’ve been very fortunate in my life. I’ve met many nice people who helped me along the way, so it’s time for me to give back. I have been raising funds and awareness for rescue dogs for about 4 years but it is only last year that I started running to raise funds for rescue dogs. With my new found passion in running, I decided to incorporate it with fundraising for rescue dogs. I raise funds through Facebook mainly. Using my network and reputation, I have managed to raise over $40,000 over the past few years. Last year, I raised over $21,960 to buy one year of food for over 100 dogs at Oasis Second Chance Animal Shelter.


5.  When are your upcoming fund-raising runs scheduled?

For this year, I am running 2 full marathons (42.195km for a full marathon) and I am combining my love of running and dogs to do a special fundraising campaign named ‘I RUN FOR RESCUE DOGS’. I just did the Gold Coast marathon in July, and I’ll be doing New York marathon in November. I hope to raise S$20,000 to S$30,000, if possible, to buy food for three different dog shelters. I raised over S$14,000 for the Gold Coast Marathon. For the New York Marathon fundraising, I only just started two months ago, and I’ve raised over S$7,000 now. I’m still halfway away from it but hopefully, I can meet my target.


6. How can the public help in your fund-raising?

The public can help me create awareness by sharing this poster on their social media or contact me directly if they would like to make a donation. :)


These 10 Tips Will Make the Going to the Gym Easier


As we all strive to live healthier, getting fit is often a top priority. Whether you're heading back to the gym after a long hiatus or are new to the fitness scene, here are a handful of tips for making things easier. Hopefully they will help you maintain your fitness enthusiasm for months to come.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Maria del Rio
Product Credit: Left: Alternative Apparel zip up hoodie, Nike leggings Center: American Apparel tank top, Mara Hoffman leggings Right: Mara Hoffman bra and leggings


Fuel Yourself the Right Way

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Nicole Perry

Timing is everything when it comes to eating and working out. If you're too full, you get cramps, and if you're too hungry, you can't work your hardest. Keep pre-workout snacks, eaten 30 to 90 minutes prior to exercise, mostly in the carb family. These foods should be easily digestible and should contain about 40 to 100 grams of carbs with a low amount of fat. It's also a good idea to keep the fibre content to a minimum since high-fibre foods can be difficult to digest.


Avoid Peak Times

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

Gyms can definitely get crowded. To ensure a good workout, avoid peak times like right before work, lunchtime, and immediately after office hours. Midmorning and midafternoon are great times to hit the gym. If you can hold off until after 7 p.m., the crowd will have diminished — just be sure to have a healthy, fuelling snack around 5:30 p.m.


Don't Trust the Calorie Counts

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

Cardio machines are a great way to get your heart rate up, but they are notorious for overestimating calories burned. The most accurate way to measure your caloric output is to wear a heart rate monitor, which calculates based on your heart rate rather than averages based on the speed of the machine.

While we're on the subject of cardio machines, don't hold on to the handles of the treadmill, since it truly undermines your workout and compromises your posture.


Ask the Staff

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Benjamin Stone

When confronted with a weight machine that confuses you, don't skip it or plow ahead and hope for the best — many injuries begin with this attitude. Instead, ask for help. The gym staff is there to help you and should be happy to show you how to work the equipment. 


Don't Forget to Breathe

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Benjamin Stone
  • Cardio: Avoid shallow breaths since they are often an indicator that you are working too hard. Shallow breathing also indicates that you haven't established a suitable breath pattern for your activity. You want to take stronger and deeper breaths when doing cardio, so take the time to find your rhythm. 
  • Strength training: Generally, you want to breathe out on the difficult part of the lift or move to help stabilise your body during exertion. Exhale when you are lifting a hand weight to your shoulder during a bicep curl. This helps you engage your core to prevent you from swaying into your heels, which is cheating and could set you up for a lower-back injury. Think: "Inhale to prepare."
  • Stretching: Slow, steady breathing is preferable when stretching and will help you relax. Try to focus on breathing from your diaphragm, which will make your belly move out on the inhale and not your chest and shoulders.

Don't Fear the Free Weights

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

Working out with weights is essential to achieve toned, strong muscles. Lifting weights can also decrease overall body fat by three percent in 10 weeks if you lift twice a week. Weight machines are fine, but they tend to work just one muscle at a time. You get more bang for your buck working with free weights since you can work multiple body parts in one exercise.


Work With a Personal Trainer

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Benjamin Stone

If you feel clueless about what to do in a gym, you should splurge and work with a personal trainer for at least five sessions. You will learn new exercises, how to work the weight machines, how to push yourself, how to monitor your cardio, etc. Having a trainer takes the guesswork out of your fitness life. It could be the kick-start that you need. 


Know When to Push Yourself and When to Chill

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

To make changes in your strength, you do need to push yourself, and you might experience delayed onset muscle soreness, aka DOMS. This type of muscular pain means you challenged your muscles, and it comes on after a workout. Here are a few ways to prevent the hurt after the burn.

However, if you feel a sharp, shooting pain, especially in a joint or your lower back, this means stop and check your technique. Try the motion again a little more slowly and thoughtfully. Same pain? Then try the motion smaller. Same pain? Stop. You experimented with your options, so stopping does not mean wimping out.


Wear Wicking Gear

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

Cotton absorbs your sweat, keeping you wet, but wicking fabrics pull the sweat away from your body and dry quickly. Not only does wicking gear help prevent breakouts, but it also makes an hour-long sweat session much more enjoyable. 


Be Reasonable With Post-Workout Treats

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Benjamin Stone

If you're heading to the gym to lose or maintain your weight, don't fall for the temptation of treats after working out. It is easy to rationalise eating fattening foods after spending 30 minutes on the treadmill, but it's also easy to consume more calories than you burned. The best food post-workout has carbs and protein, but you don't need much, and you really only need this if you worked out for over an hour. Be sure to drink plenty of water while at the gym.

This article first appeared in Pop Sugar.



The Afterburn Effect: How It Burns Calories after You Work Out


We’ve all heard a trainer or group instructor talk about how the workout we’re doing will keep us burning calories for days after we’re done. Sounds like a weight-loss dream come true. But how legit is this mythical afterburn effect? We talked to the experts to drill down what’s going on inside our bodies and how to get the most out of each and every workout.

Credit: Com Luv 


What exactly does “afterburn” mean?

The afterburn effect is formally called EPOC, meaning excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, Cris Dobrosielski C.S.C.S., C.P.T., spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and founder of Monumental Results, tells SELF. After working out at a high intensity, your body needs to take in oxygen at a higher rate than it did pre-exercise so it can cool down, repair itself, and return to its resting state.

“This requires the body and metabolism to work at a higher rate, so it continues to burn calories,” Dobrosielski explained. The exact amount will vary for each person, but research from ACE notes that EPOC can increase calorie burn by six to 15 percent.


What workouts boost afterburn the most?

High-intensity resistance training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are the most effective for upping caloric burn post-workout.


Credit: Shape

“Fundamentally, the most effective moves are multi-joint compound exercises,” Dobrosielski said.

So rather than doing just a bicep curl, do a squat plus a curl, making it a compound exercise. Burpees, squats with a lateral raise, and jump lunges or jump squats are all good examples of dynamic, compound moves. What makes these moves effective is the level of exertion they require (spoiler: a lot). If you’re healthy, work out regularly, and aren’t injured, “a general gauge is you need to be somewhere between level eight and 10 on a perceived exertion scale,” Dobrosielski says. That means reaching that point where you don’t think you can even bang out one more rep you’re so spent.

Doing high-intensity cardio intervals (like these fat-burning stationary bike workouts) can also produce EPOC similarly to high-intensity resistance training.

“There are a lot of people that have the misconception that HIIT means you have to do burpees and squat jumps and high-impact moves, but there’s a lot of research on the benefits of HIIT with cycling and running or even on the elliptical,” Heather Milton, M.S., exercise physiologist at NYU Langone’s Sports Performance Center, told SELF.

She recommends focusing on your heart rate to measure exertion. “If you’re working at 80 percent or more of your maximum heart rate, you know you’re working close to [your limit] and are maximizing the afterburn effect.”


How long does afterburn last?

Your body can continue burning calories at this increased rate anywhere from a few hours to well beyond 24 hours after exercise, depending on the person, Dobrosielski said.


Credit: Huffington Post

“It can even be 48 hours, which is why we recommend people don’t do these kinds of workouts back to back, and that you take 48 hours between workouts to make sure the body has time to repair,” he added. That doesn’t mean you can’t work out in between HIIT days—active recovery workouts, like jogging and swimming, are ideal. “There are a number of restorative properties to that and it allows a nice cross-section of training.”

Pushing yourself through too many high-intensity workouts without adequate time to repair in between can lead to overtraining and burnout, which can actually decrease your performance. Stick to two or three days a week, with less intense endurance work in between, to keep your metabolism revving full-speed-ahead all week long.

By: Amy Maturana

This article first appeared in Fox News.

10 Ways to Protect Against Breast Cancer


As a writer who's focused on women's health for the last 22 years, I know all too well the many myths and misperceptions that persist about breast cancer. Even a friend of mine who works in healthcare won't wear an underwire bra or use antiperspirants because she's afraid they'll increase her risk of breast cancer—but she's never had a mammogram. And that's just the issue: Misinformation can make us concerned about the wrong things.


Credit: Getty

"Women often focus on claims that wearing underwire bras or using antiperspirants causes breast cancer, even though there's zero evidence that they do," says Victoria Seewaldt, MD, director of the breast cancer prevention program and professor of medicine at Duke University. Meanwhile, too many women (like my friend) are delaying screenings such as mammograms that can help catch the disease in its earliest, most treatable stages.

Another misperception is that the news is only bad when it comes to breast cancer. The truth is, survival rates are higher today than ever before, and there are steps you can take to shift the odds in your favor even more. The key is to arm yourself with solid, reliable information. Fortunately, the country's top breast cancer experts are here to tell you how to protect yourself.

1. Self-exams are no longer officially recommended—but do them anyway.

Credit: Getty

Familiarizing yourself with the look and feel of your breasts is still a smart move, since some breast cancers aren't picked up by mammograms and others can develop between annual mammograms. "The fastest-growing, most aggressive tumors are often the ones that often crop up between screenings," says Anne M. Wallace, MD, professor of clinical surgery and team leader at the University of California San Diego Moores Cancer Center Breast Program.

You don't necessarily have to examine your breasts in a certain pattern or do it on the exact same day every month, but you should check them often enough to be able to distinguish a worrisome change from your usual lumps and bumps. If you notice anything odd, don't panic (many lumps are completely benign), but call your doc right away to get it checked out.


2. The radiation you get from a mammogram is minimal.

Credit: Getty

New research has found that the risk from exposure to mammogram radiation is even lower than previously thought. What's more, the newer digital mammograms use about 22% less radiation than traditional film mammography, says Dahlia Sataloff, MD, a clinical professor of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and director of the Integrated Breast Center at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. They also take sharper pictures, so there's less of a chance that you'll get called back for a repeat test. "Most centers have digital mammography, but check beforehand to make sure," Dr. Sataloff says.


3. Having a drink a day is probably too much.

Credit: Getty

Alcohol may be good for your heart, but when it comes to your breasts, it's another story: Research suggests that even one drink per day could raise your breast cancer risk, says Christine Laronga, MD, clinical director of breast surgical oncology at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. To be safe, limit it to three drinks per week—but don't get in the habit of "saving" your weekly drinks and downing them all in one night. If you regularly have two or three glasses of wine or cocktails at once, your risk of breast cancer jumps to 20% higher than if you abstained completely, according to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The way alcohol is metabolized in a woman's body may increase estrogen levels in the bloodstream, which increases your breast cancer risk.

Research has shown that getting enough folic acid (folate)—at least 600 mcg per day—may help undo some of the damage of regular drinking. You'll find it in orange juice, leafy greens, beans and fortified breakfast cereals. For extra insurance, ask your doctor if you should take a multivitamin that contains it.


4. What you weigh matters more than what you eat.

Credit: Getty

Though it's true that a healthy diet may help, whether individual foods can really lower your breast cancer risk is up for debate. But there's no denying the powerful impact of weight. Numerous studies have found that extra pounds increase your risk of postmenopausal breast cancer or having a recurrence. "The more body fat you have, the more estrogen your body stores," and estrogen can stimulate tumor growth, explains Dr. Laronga. The good news: If you're overweight, slimming down may help reduce your risk. 


5. If you're at increased risk, taking a preventive medication could cut your risk in half.

Credit: Getty

If taking a pill could slash your breast cancer risk by more than 50%, you'd seriously consider it, right? Unfortunately, the reality is that many women who are eligible for preventive drugs (selective estrogen receptor modulator or aromatase inhibitors) don't, because they don't even know that they're good candidates. How to find out if you should consider one of these potentially lifesaving drugs? Start by asking your doctor to calculate your breast cancer risk using a tool such as the Gail Model, says , says Therese Bevers, MD, medical director of the Cancer Prevention Center at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. You'll answer a series of questions about risk factors, then you'll get a score. If your risk is high—at least a 70% higher-than-average risk of developing breast cancer in the next five years—talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of using these meds, since they can have serious side effects.


6. If your mom had breast cancer after menopause, your risk may only be slightly above average.

Credit: Getty 

If you don't carry a mutation of one of the so-called breast cancer genes (BRCA1 or BRCA2) and your mom got cancer late in life, your risk is only 2% to 5% higher than average, so your doctor may not screen you any differently than a woman with no family history, says Dr. Bevers.

"Postmenopausal breast cancer is typically a disease of aging," says Dr. Seewaldt. "Premenopausal breast cancer may mean that there is a gene or genes involved." So if your mother had breast cancer at, say, age 35, your lifetime risk of getting breast cancer increases by 30% to 40%. If you have an inherited mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2, your lifetime risk may be as high as 80%, according to the American Cancer Society.


7. More than 90% of women who get breast cancer don't have a family history of the disease.

Credit: Getty

The biggest risk factor: being female. The second biggest: age. "Every woman is potentially at risk, just by virtue of being a woman," says Carolyn D. Runowicz, MD, associate dean for women's affairs and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine in Miami.

However, if you do have a family history, you may need to be screened more vigilantly, so ask your doctor. It's also important to know if prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer or melanoma run in your family, since any of these might mean that you're predisposed to breast cancer as well. And don't forget to mention any cancer on your dad's side of the family. Both sides count equally, says Dr. Laronga.


8. Smoking is bad for your breasts.

Credit: Getty 

It doesn't just raise your lung cancer risk: People who smoked for 10 years or more were at least 16% more likely than nonsmokers to develop breast cancer, according to recent research from West Virginia University. Long-term exposure to secondhand smoke may also up your risk. "Cigarette smoke causes chronic inflammation in your body, which in turn may lead to cancer," Dr. Wallace explains.


9. If you get breast cancer, you may not need a mastectomy or chemo.

Credit: Getty 

A mastectomy (removal of the entire breast) used to be considered an absolute must, but studies have shown that lumpectomy (removal of only the tumor and some surrounding tissue) combined with radiation is often just as effective—especially if the tumor is small. That's because even if you remove the full breast, you never really get all of the breast tissue, so there's still a 5% to 10% chance of a recurrence in the same breast, says Susan Love, MD, author of Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book and president of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation.

Another major change: We now know that there isn't just one kind of breast cancer—there are five or six different types, which means there's no one-size-fits-all treatment. smoke causes chronic inflammation in your body, which in turn may lead to cancer," Dr. Wallace explains.

Another major change: We now know that there isn't just one kind of breast cancer—there are five or six different types, which means there's no one-size-fits-all treatment. Doctors also now use tests such as Oncotype DX and MammaPrint to examine tumors at the molecular level and figure out the chances of the cancer coming back following surgery. "These tests tell us whether or not chemotherapy would be helpful," says Larry Norton, MD, deputy physician in chief for breast cancer programs at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Some forms of breast cancer respond better to hormonal treatments (such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors) than to chemo, while others are best treated with both, he explains. And even if you do need chemo, it may not be quite as bad as you think. "We have better drugs to counteract the side effects, and we often use chemotherapy for a shorter time," Dr. Norton says.


Credit: Getty

Regular exercise (2.5 hours a week, which you can break up into five 30-minute brisk walks) not only helps to keep your weight in check, it can also lower estrogen levels and boost your immune system, helping to prevent any abnormal cells from growing and spreading. And if you do get breast cancer, keep moving. Breast cancer survivors who did the equivalent of one to two hours of brisk walking a week had a 40% lower risk of dying from breast cancer, according to a study from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.



Stacey Colino is an award-winning writer who specializes in health and psychology. Her work has appeared in many national magazines and books.

This article first appeared in Woman's Day

14 Simple Tips That Will Make Running Your First 5K Enjoyable


Whether you've already signed up for an event or if you're just thinking about running your first 5K, you might have a few questions about what's going to go down on race day. What do you wear? What will the check-in process be like? And, is this actually going to be fun?


Credit: Westend61 / Getty Images

The answer can totally be yes if you plan ahead with some enjoyment-enhancing strategies. Granted, there are some factors you can't control on race day (like the weather or the crowd), but there are a few things you can do to have your best 5K ever, and they don't have anything to do with your time. Here are 14 simple tips for actually having a great time during your first 5K (and maybe your second and third, too).


1. Good news! You've only got 3.1 miles to run—not 5.

A 5K is five kilometers, not five miles, and if you're not familiar with running culture this fact isn't that intuitive. After all, half-marathons and marathons are typically referred to as 13.1 miles and 26.2 miles, respectively, so that inconsistency can be confusing.


2. Try to scope out the course before race day.

Credit: White Packert / Getty Images

"Getting out on the course ahead of the big day will not only help you train, but it'll help you know what terrain to expect on race day," says Craig Slagel, founder of voice-guided route app RunGo and running enthusiast (he's completed 93 ultramarathons). Plus, you'll have an idea of what's coming up as you run the course—including where any hills are.


3. Wear the outfit you wore during your best training run.

The first factor in choosing your race-day outfit is the weather, but if possible, wear the outfit you wore during the training run you crushed, suggests SELF.com’s lifestyle editor Zahra Barnes, who just did her first 10K. "You’re not going to deal with any unforeseen issues that can come up, like chafing or leggings falling down, and you’ll also have good memories tied to the outfit—it’s a physical reminder of how well you can do and how much fun you can have while running," says Barnes.


4. And make sure you're not wearing a brand new pair of shoes.

Nothing kills a run like aching soles or a brutal blister you can just feel forming. "Ensure that you have ample time in those new shoes you’ll need to purchase and use throughout your training," says Gary Berard, an NYC-based running coach and the founder of GB Running. Here are five tips for choosing the perfect pair of running shoes.


5. Recruit friends to cheer you on from the sidelines.

It's always more fun to run when you've got a support crew ready to congratulate you at the end of your run and encourage you till you get there. "Seeing them will instantly boost your mood," says Barnes. "Plus you’ll have pictures to remind you of how much fun you were having."


6. Or recruit friends to run with you!

Credit: Steve Debenport / Getty Images
Even better? Get friends to run with you and turn the race into a social event—and plan on a celebratory brunch after! Don't worry if your pals are faster or slower than you, says Slagel—if you get separated, it's NBD. "Just knowing your friends are with you at the race will help," he says. Remember to arrange a meeting spot at the finish line, he adds.

7. Get ~in the zone~ with a motivational video or anthem before you start.

Hype yourself up by listening to a powerful, go-crush-it song or watching a video that inspires you before you head to the starting line. "My absolute favorite is Misty Copeland’s Under Armour commercial," says Barnes. "Watching cool women do amazing things before you race is an easy way to get motivated and focus on how strong your body feels as you run, which definitely makes it more enjoyable."


8. And curate a killer playlist.

Create a playlist that is packed with songs that'll inspire you to push yourself and be proud of what you're doing. My personal favorites to listen to when I need a boost are "Power" by Kanye West and "Unstoppable" by Sia. Creep on some running playlists on Spotify for some inspiration.


9. Chat it up with your fellow runners before the race.

"Introduce yourself to the people around you at the starting line," suggests Slagel. "Runners are nice people, and you may end up with a new running friend. This really helps with any pre-race nerves, and they may be able to give you some useful tips about the race," he adds.


10. Don't line up at the front.

Unless you happen to be an insanely fast runner, find a starting spot toward the middle or the back of the pack. The front is typically reserved for runners who are going all-out and are trying to set a personal record. No matter where you start though, don't feel pressured to keep up with the runners around you.


11. Start slow, and if you feel like it, pick up your pace later in the race.


Credit: Justin Case / Getty Images

"You always want to start a little slower," says Slagel. This actually helps you run a better and usually faster race, and it’s also easier and more fun to pass people."


12. Ignore your time.

Speaking of speed, don't worry about it. While it's great to have a goal time in mind, just focus on crossing that finish line, whether it takes you 25 minutes or 45. "Aim to enjoy yourself from start to finish. In fact, this excitement should begin the moment online registration is complete—lay out your training and plan to partner with a friend in preparation for your race," says Berard. He suggests working with a coach for customized race prep, but there are also several 5K training plans out there you can use (like this 8-week one for beginners).


13. Make a day (or a morning) of your race.

Most races happen in the morning so there's a whole day waiting to happen after you cross the finish line. So while thinking about brunch may motivate you to make it to the finish line, thinking about running errands or doing housework after your run can be a bit of a buzzkill. "Plan to meet up with friends post-race to refuel and share your race recap," says Berard. "Even if you don’t all run together, the race will be a great reason to get a group of friends together. After all, you can’t say BRUNCH without R-U-N, right?" Barnes vouches for this strategy, too. "Post-race, I was heading to a friend’s going-away party at a restaurant with huge mimosas and delicious skillet egg meals. Before my race, I pinpointed exactly what I would order at brunch so I had something to look forward to." Oh, and wear your race shirt there to celebrate your finish, suggests Slagel.


14. It sounds cheesy, but just smile.

"Smiling might actually make you feel better, and it makes people around you smile back," says Slagel. Plus, chances are there will be cameras at the finish line to capture your victory. And completing your goal is definitely something to smile about.


By Alexa Tucker

This article first appeared in Self.

Spooky Halloween Workout to Scare Your Calories Off!


Who’s excited for Halloween? It will be here before you know it. The best part about celebrating it is that we don’t have to dress up to get in the spirit; we can just work it out!



Before you think we're totally crazy, check this video out for some zombie crawls.



It's time to spook up your fitness routine now!

Ultimate Fitness Performance and Retail Hub TripleFit Launches in Singapore


Healthy lifestyle is all the rage in Singapore these recent years, with more and more people having an awareness of eating well and keeping fit. Salad bars and organic food restaurants are mushrooming over the island, and of course, all the gyms and fitness classes, big or small.

It is definitely great news to all fitness enthusiast when leading sports retailer, Triple officially opens its doors in Singapore with the launch of ‘TripleFit,' Singapore’s Ultimate Fitness Performance and Retail Hub, at Millenia Walk.

Spanning over 23,500 square feet including an outdoor terrace, TripleFit will combine both a Fitness Hub and a Retail Zone offering their members an all-in-one experience through the latest in athleisure wear, fitness trackers, and a broad range of fitness programmes, all under one roof. 

Designed to reflect a ‘rugged and sleek’ environment, TripleFit will feature a uniquely designed retail zone which curates and carries the latest in activewear from European and Japanese premium niche sports brands. These brands will consist the likes of running and biking brands ‘Odlo’ (Switzerland) and ‘Newline’ (Denmark), high-performance compression wear ‘C3fit’ from Japan, British fitness wear brand ‘Every Second Counts,' Swiss running shoe label 'On Running,' and American sportswear label Under Armour.

If you are worried that you won't be able to head over because of your long working hours, fret not. It opens as early as 6.45am and closes only at 10pm at night. The fitness hub offers class-based programmes such as High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Functional Training, Strength and Conditioning classes such as 'Apocalypse,' 'Lift' and 'Tabata', Endurance based classes 'EuduroFit' and 'Athlean,' Pound, Yoga and much more. Aside from regular group classes, TripleFit will also offer Personal Training and Specialized Training Programmes.

The 'Fitness Personal Shopper Programme' at TripleFit offers members a detail education on the benefits of the different technologies within each apparel offered here at TripleFit before purchase, so that those of us who are not so familiar with all the different type of fitness wear wouldn't feel intimidated by the wide range of apparels there. From choosing the right compression gear to selecting the perfect shoe to match your training and running style, the ‘Fitness Personal Shopper Programme’ will ensure a personal and unique shopping experience for all.

Aside from the Retail Zone and the Fitness Hub, the 23,500 square feet area will also consist of a consumer electronics zone offering products from JBL, Fitbit, and Polar. Members can also refresh themselves post-training with cold-pressed juices, customized protein shakes, and wholesome bites brought to you by HIC Juice.

"With the promise to 'Engage,' 'Empower,' and 'Enhance' its members, the launch of TripleFit will provide Singaporeans the ultimate fitness and retail platform to excel in their athletic aspirations. We offer fitness aficionados the ultimate platform to push themselves beyond their limitations. To achieve that, we have brought together under one roof some of the best fitness programmes, state-of-the-art fitness trackers, and the latest athleisure activewear from the USA, Europe, and Japan." said Michael Binger, Chief Executive Officer of TripleFit.

Head of Gym and a multiple-time CrossFit winner, Henrik Olofsson said: "Here at TripleFit we have three core training principles; Screen, Protect, and Coach. These principles ensure that our coaches set foundations for how we make decisions in programming and how we individualise our training. Active coaching techniques tie physiology and psychology together and allow our members access to everything they need to reach their fitness and health goals."

TripleFit will also be in the fitness industry leader by being the first in South-East Asia to incorporate state-of-the-art wearable fitness trackers by POLAR together with the POLAR Flow Club Solutions application within its fitness group classes. This unique style of evidence-based training allows members to experience training at different heart rate intensities. It also allows the coaches to see who's keeping up with the class, steer the group in the right direction, and provides added safety precaution for coaches and ensure that they are consistently training in a safe and healthy heart-rate zone and yet maximizing their efforts.

"Polar, the pioneer of wearable sports and fitness technology, prides itself in helping users train smarter to achieve their training goals. With the introduction of Polar Club, a unique cloud-based training system that allows TripleFit coaches to provide real-time guidance during classes as well as manage, track and analyse the quality and quantity of group exercise classes, members get to enjoy a premium training experience and be better motivated with evidence-based results. Moreover, Polar takes your workout sessions further with its Polar Flow online platform and app. When syncing Polar devices like the M600, A360, and M200 with Polar Flow, users will not only be able to view details of their workout, but also receive guidance and suggestions for improvement and keep track of their long-term progress.” said Edwin Ong, Polar Singapore General Manager.

“Blending our heart rate and activity tracking tools with TripleFit's cutting-edge performance classes will not only help people get active and achieve their fitness goals but also ensure that their fitness experience is personalized and easy to understand, bringing them closer to reaching their goals,” added Edwin.

"TripleFit's collaboration with Polar is truly one-of-a-kind, and you can see it in action during our EnduroFit classes. Monitoring heart rates is considered the best way of measuring intensity in cardio training with endurance based components such as HIIT or Bootcamp style training. This provides our coaches and members with science-backed data on how they are performing during the class," added Henrik.


Millenia Walk
9 Raffles Boulevard, #02-62,
TripleFit's fitness hub opening hours:
6:45 am to 10 pm on weekdays
8 am to 8 pm on weekends and public holidays
TripleFit's retail zone opening hours:
11 am to 10 pm daily including public holidays.
Telephone:+65 6255 5064 / 6255 5749
For General Enquiries: info@triple.fit
For Gym Related Enquiries: feedback@triple.fit
Website: https://www.triple.fit


About Triple Pte Ltd

Established in 2013, Triple Pte Ltd thrives to become one of ASEAN’s most innovative sports and lifestyle company with multiple consumer touch points and experiences. Triple’s distribution network covers all key markets in Southeast Asia through a combination of 25 own retail stores as well as shop-in-shop and multi-brand wholesale executions. Triple’s mission is to empower people in Southeast Asia to live their personal athletic experience through people, products, and programmes, all centred around sports and athleisure.

About Triple Fit Pte Ltd

Launched in 2016, TripleFit is Singapore’s ultimate fitness performance and retail hub. Situated within Millenia Walk and spanning over 23,000 square feet, the fitness performance hub will offer classes catered to all fitness enthusiasts from the early morning to the late evening throughout the week. The multi-brand sports retail zone will curate and carry European and Japanese premium niche sports brands such as Odlo, Newline, Every Second Counts, C3fit as well as global American sportswear giants Under Armour.

Get Obsessed with This New Korea Fitness Trend Now!


Swearing by K-cosmetics and having a closet collection of them? Gone all rounded brows or plunged full force into the bizarre Jamsu's makeup technique?  Regardless of which stage of K-obsession you’re at, you need to know about Electric Muscle Stimulation Training- the latest exercise trend that has completely swept our friends in the Kimchi Land off their feet. Because you know looking good 24/7 is a serious business!


Credit: Street Directory



Ever tried micro current facial? If you do so, then Electric Muscular Stimulation (EMS) is nothing novel to you at all. This trending technique adopts the same concept as the facial procedure, where mild electric pulses are sent through the body to stimulate the muscles (in this case approximately 90% of the body’s main muscles), hence tightening them.

In fact, the technique has been used to train astronauts and Olympic-level athletes since as early as the 1960s.


Credit: Elec Motion

Many Korean celebrities, including Luna from f(x) are big fans of EMS. In fact, it was so popular that, one of the scenes from the MBC drama-Beautiful You, which Ha Jeong Yeon starred in even included Micro Studio Korea, which offers EMS  as one of the filming scenes.


Credit: Functionlove.net


Credit: New Asian TV


Credit: New Asian TV



The sophisticated training is indeed a dream come true for a bona fide couch potato like us (busy & impatient modern homo sapiens), as it shrinks hours of strenuous training into a short 20 minute session. The bonus is, it also stimulates deep-seated muscles that are not usually triggered via conventional exercise. 


Credit: Micro Studio Korea

All these are possible as the electrical pulses from the EMS reach into the neural and muscular adaptations. Through the electrical impulses, the natural muscle contraction gets influenced from outside so that every move gets harder. Therefore the electricity reaches deeper muscle groups.

If you’re into cardio or flexibility exercises, then EMS might not be your cup of tea, as it primarily helps with muscle toning and strength building.


The Experience?

The first step to EMS is donning on a corset-like vest, which is plugged into a machine that transmits the electrical pulses. This is followed by doing a series of bodyweight exercises (e.g. squats, planks, and leg raises) and resistance workout over 20 minutes, which will get you sweating copiously by the end of the session.


Credit: Micro Studio Korea


Credit: Micro Studio Korea


Am I Suitable for It?

Most people can experience the fun of EMS, however, if you’re pregnant, wear a pacemaker, suffer from sport injuries or someone with severe circulatory or arterial disorder, it’s best to get the approval from your doctor before commencing on this new sport.


Where Can I Try It?

If you are dying to try EMST, fret not, you do not need to invest in a plane ticket at all. Just like how K-beauty products took over our vanity, their fitness routines have already started conquering our gyms too. Here, is one of the locations to bring your K-obsession up the next level.

Who knows you might get a Song Joong Ki’s lookalike trainer? 


Credit: Popkey


How You Exercise At The Gym Based On Your Horoscope


People need some sort of mental activity to keep them occupied while they’re on the treadmills at the gym. One of my personal favorite games to play is “guess that sign,” wherein I take a look at a person’s gym habits and try to pinpoint his or her zodiac sign. You can play, too, by following this simple guide.



If you’ve ever wondered how your horoscope sign influences your gym habits, this guide is for you. If you think that your horoscope sign doesn’t have an influence on your gym habits, well then I guess you think the tides don’t affect you either, Mr. or Mrs. Too-Good-For-SCIENCE.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Requires Exercise EVERY DAY as Part of a Court-ordered Anger Management Program


Workout profile: Aries is a very energetic sign. They have precious little tolerance when someone disagrees with them and can be huge babies when it comes to restraining themselves. They’re probably the single most likely sign to be caught in a bar fight or assaulting a cab driver. So when you see them at the gym, it’s a safe bet they were ordered to be there by their anger management counselors, who’s keeping our streets safe from these assh*les.

Favorite machine/class: Boxing

Best workout schedule: Every morning, ideally avoiding any social interaction.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Gets His or Her Workout While Running Late to Things


Workout profile: Taurus isn’t a big fan of exercise because he or she hates to rush. They hate it so much, in fact, that the only exercise they probably get is when they’re trying to catch a bus, which they will almost always miss — because they didn’t want to rush.

Favorite machine/calss: Ellipital.

Best workout schedule: Whenever they're most comfortable going. (They'll set their own rules.)

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Forgets to Do Check-in Post at Gym on Facebook, Calls Entire Day a Waste of Time


Workout profile: If a Gemini is at the gym, you’ll know about it because he or she will be tracking the progress he or she makes on all forms of social media, as well as fitness apps with a social media component. What’s the point of going on a walk if you aren’t tracking it on MapMyWalk or MyFitnessPal or live-streaming a workout on Periscope? Don’t tell a Gemini that exercise is for quiet contemplation; quiet contemplation is for nuns and house pets.

Favorite machine/class: Any machine a Gemini can simultaneously text, watch TV and do something else on.

Best workout schedule: Whenever there isn’t anything else more worthy of his or her attention.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): First One to Fart in Yoga Class


Workout profile: Each sign rules a different part of the body, and Cancer rules the stomach. What this means is when a Cancer worries (and he or she often does), his or her digestive system is likely to be affected first. Cancers also have a tendency to overeat, and that’s a bad combo. You’ll often catch them in a yoga class or tai chi because they love for their exercise routines to have a spiritual component. But they’ll be applauding the teacher with their butts. By farting. That’s a fart joke.

Favorite machine/class: Yoga, tai chi, SoulCycle. Best workout schedule:

After work, before dinner, five to six days a week.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Gets on the Treadmill & Immediately Begins Racing People Next to Him or Her


Workout profile: You know the type; Leos work out so much that you want to ask them when their divorces are going to be finalized. They aren’t trying to impress you (They assume you’re impressed already.), but they work out to win, even if there’s no game. It doesn’t matter that you aren’t going anywhere; they’ll race you on an elliptical.

Favorite machine/class: Treadmill/boot camp.

Best workout schedule: Every SINGLE day of the week so they can enjoy watching their bodies in a mirror for a full two hours. Did I mention Leos can be a little vain?

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Burns Enough Calories Judging People


Workout profile: Virgos do try to maintain their health one way or another, whether it be through exercise, a healthy diet or both. They’re perfectionists and hypochondriacs, so they try to take good care of themselves. But to be honest, their favorite physical activity is judging others. Did you know you can burn 34 calories an hour telling people what to do and 59 calories an hour if you do it standing up?! Try yelling — you’ll burn an extra five!

Favorite machine/class: Stairmaster/treadmill.

Best workout schedule: Whatever their doctors recommend.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Goes to Gym Hoping to Date Personal Trainer


Workout profile: Libras are very romantic. They are the sign of partnership, and they work better when they have someone else to motivate and inspire them. And nothing inspires them more than those super sexual trainer-client stretching sessions. Not to mention having someone chiseled to perfection telling you you’re “lookin’ good.”

Favorite machine/class: Zumba.

Best workout schedule: Five to six days a week, to avoid sinking into depression and laziness.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Sex as Workout


Workout profile: You can burn up to 600 calories an hour at a martial arts class, or you can burn 960,000 calories f*cking a Scorpio, who’s pretty much always down. It’s your call.

Favorite machine/class: Pole dancing or circuit training.

Best workout schedule: Every day (not that they need to, but they’re very all-or-nothing people, and they need for their activities to be intense).

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Cross Country Bar Hopping


Workout profile: If a Sagittarius is working out at an actual gym and not in the great outdoors, mountain climbing, biking across the country or just walking every square foot of the city they live in, that gym better have a bar attached to it. Sagittarius is a naturally very active sign, so whatever workout he or she is doing, you know that A. It’s going to feel celebratory, and B. A Sagittarius will hydrate with alcohol.

Favorite machine/class: Plyometrics (lots of enthusiastic jumping).

Best workout schedule: They aren’t the type to stick to schedules, but three days a week is manageable for most Sagittarii.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Ran a 10K This Morning


Workout profile: You’ll never see Capricorns working out; they’re either “way too slammed at work” or doing it at four in the morning while we’re all asleep because they think they’re better than all of us.

Favorite machine/class: Circuit training or treadmill. For how hard they work, Capricorns are very boring.

Best workout schedule: Before the sun comes up, five to six days a week.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Doesn’t Want to be Part of a Gym that Would Have Him or Her as a Member


Workout profile: Mostly because interpersonal and business relationships block their personal freedom, Aquarians aren’t “joiners.” Any group which would have an Aquarius as a member is going to be the target of his or her severe social paranoia. You won’t catch them signing any kind of gym contract, but you might find them outside the gym yelling “WAKE UP, SHEEPLE” with picket signs, fighting corporate greed. Whatever exercise routines they do pick up are likely to be motivated more by their intense need to quiet their thoughts, and less by a desire to get in shape.

Favorite machine/class: Outdoor running, hiking, rock climbing.

Best workout schedule: Working out at a different time every day.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Makes Fitness Dream Board & Waits for Result


Workout profile: Pisces are real visionaries. If you ask them what their workout plans are, they’ll tell you they’re trying to be gentle with themselves to wear down their own “inner resistance.” If you ask them how long that sort of thing might take, they’ll say “time is a rubber band.” Their faith might be able to move mountains; it just can’t get them to do squats. The best way for a Pisces to work out is to tailor the workout to appeal to their creative and spiritual sides.

Favorite machine/class: Dance class, yoga, pilates, SoulCycle.

Best workout schedule: Three to four days a week.

This article first appeared on Elite Daily
Images Credits: Wellandgood

Crunch... The Weight Management Companion You Need in Your Smartphone


Your typical weekend starts with a fruit and cereal bowl. You take a food-fie, Instagram it. You throw on your LuluLemon gear, FitBit, Nike Flyknit for a run at Marina Barrage. After your run, you meet your girl-friends at a hipster café at Tiong Bahru. You choose a healthier chicken breast sandwich for lunch. But before diving into the food, you take a food-fie and share it on your Facebook. As the night dawns, you and your group of friends get ready to participate in the Sundown Marathon. Does this routine sound all so familiar? Especially to the health- and style-conscious you? 

How about a weight management app that can also satisfy your foodfie needs, and allows you to share your OOTD of your latest sports gear, and at the same time, check on your daily calorie intake? Sounds too good to be true?


What is Crunch?

Crunch is the all-new weight management calorie counter for everyday people to nudge us towards making informed lifestyle choices. Fret not, we are not asking you to go on crash diet plans or stringent workout regimes. Crunch In to know what is your calorie intake for your meal, and Crunch Out to check how many calories you burnt while you walk from the office to lunch at the kopitiam. Now that you are aware of your calories ins and outs, make informed choices on eating right and exercising in a fun, stress-free manner. 

There is more food for thought in Crunch. The app’s other features include insightful tips and articles by nutritionists and experts, attractive coupons and deals, and the ability to earn badges and medals when you consistently Crunch In and Crunch Out. Ultimately, Crunch is your companion that guides you towards setting up positive dieting and exercising habits.


Features of Crunch

Crunch in

To Crunch In, simply swipe the Crunch In slider in red and take a foodfie. Select your meals amongst an over 3,600 calorie-counted database of local dishes and get the estimated calories consumed and post it on your timeline.


Crunch Out

To Crunch Out, simply swipe the Crunch Out slider (in green) and take a selfie. Why not flaunt your athleisure style while you’re at it? Get the estimated calories burnt and post it on your timeline.


All Day Summary

Stay motivated and take stock of your day with insightful charts that sum up your calorie intake and burn. See how you’re doing with insightful charts and stay motivated to reach your goals.


Social Community

Connect and invite friends to Crunch community and encourage each other to stay healthy. Share Crunch Moments and challenge with friends and family to give and seek inspiration for a better, healthier you.



Pamper yourself with attractive F&B and fitness coupons and vouchers. Crunch partners with a host of brands advocating holistic well-being for a healthier and purposeful lifestyle. Be it fresh organic food or yummy healthy meals, classes that enrich physically and mentally, or sportswear and lifestyle equipment that can help improve your life, we want you to be the first to know.


Tips for weight management

If you need more information on healthier living and making smart choices, browse the app and spend some time looking through the insightful tips and articles by nutritionists and experts. 




Download Crunch, between 15 Dec to 15 Jan, and stand a chance to win the grand prize of a staycation for two at Oasia Hotel Downtown valued at $189!

Unwind, relax at their infinity swimming pool or practice yoga on a lawn right in the middle of the lobby. A 24-hour accessible gym enables you to recharge anytime you want. Feel refreshed after your stay with Oasia!

*Terms & Conditions apply 


Bonus Only For MFP Members

Our Trendy Dishes Cheatsheet specially curated by our in-house nutritionist is filled with healthy eating tips.

Credit:Bored Panda

Galaxy-print donut, rainbow cheese toast, salted egg yolk carrot cake – we will show you how you can still makan and share a foodfie of all the trendy food you want – but still do so in a healthier way! 

Stock your brain up on sneaky little ways your stomach will thank you for. 


Early-bird Access

A customised nutritional plan for the first 100!  

  1. 5 days Detox plan
  2. 5 days Skincare plan
  3. 5 days Anti-constipation plan
  4. 5 days Bye-bye High Blood Pressure plan

What’s more our nutritionist will check-in with you at the end of your 5-day journey!


Wait no further. Eat Well, Live Better. Try out Crunch app that is available for both Android and Apple iOS devices now.


How Did Crunch Help Joshua on His Weight Loss Journey?


When Joshua Ding, 28, realised that he was getting a little bit bigger than usual, he decided to go on a weight loss journey with the help of Crunch app. Did he manage to shed a few kilos and get back to being fit and healthy? And how did Crunch help him? Let's find out.


Tell us a little more about yourself.

I'm a very outgoing and spontaneous person. I love adventures, I love exploring new places and different cultures, I love trying new things, and I really love travelling because I get to see different things in the world and experience different things in life. I'll work out during my free time so I'll usually hit the gym, if not a run in the park will do fine as well. I actually think it is fun and therapeutic to work out as it releases my stress.


What made you want to lose weight?

I want to keep fit and I don't want to go above the average BMI. Besides the health reasons, I also want to lose some weight to look good! So there was this one fine day when I realised that I was getting slightly above average and it was a wake-up call to start my weight-loss regimen.


What do you think are some of the factors that caused your weight gain?

It would say that it is mainly because I didn't watch what I eat. I ate a lot of carbohydrates, lots of desserts and chocolate cakes, ice-creams... Gosh, I really love them. I ate above my calorie needs almost everyday because I love eating, well, I mean, who doesn't?


So what measures did you take to lose weight, since you are already very active?

I definitely had to watch my diet. I had to control and not overeat, or eat too much unhealthy food. In fact, I prepared my own salad instead of just ordering my favourite chicken rice from the food court for lunch. I was quite strict, so even when I'm out with my friends, I would still make sure that I do not eat the unhealthy food or drink too much beer.


No exceptions at all?

I'm rather strict because I want to lose weight, but yes, I will still have my cheat days for special occasions.


How is Crunch helpful in your weight-loss journey?

Crunch really help me a lot by assisting me to watch my daily calories intake. I could watch how much calories I consumed, and how much calories I burnt each day. And being able to track my calorie intake helped me make a mental note of how much calories I need to burn at the end of the day. 

I'm a big eater and most of the meals I consume are above the calorie count that I require. The Crunch In component helped me keep track of my calorie intake and I use the Crunch out component to keep track of the amount of calories that I burn off.


What other features of Crunch do you enjoy using?

What makes Crunch different from other calorie counting app is the fact that we need to post a photo for every Crunch In and Crunch Out, a foodfie, or a photo of yourself working out. In a way, it serves as a motivation for me. Being able to connect with friends who are using Crunch and seeing their photo feed is also an interesting feature of Crunch. It allows me to discover many creative ways that we can lose weight and seeing what other healthy food my friends were eating also let me know more food places that serve healthier options. It broadens both my food and workout options!

Besides that, there is a weight goal setting feature in Crunch which is customised to my gender, height, weight and lifestyle. Everyone is different and calories needs are also different and I find that extremely helpful.


So, how long have you been using Crunch?

2 months already!

And how many kilograms did you lose?

I lost 5 to 6 kg throughout this 2 months and I hope that I can lose a little more!


Eat Well, Live Better. Try out Crunch app that is available for both Android and Apple iOS devices now.


[Crunch In] Take a Foodfie, Count Your Calories, and Make Informed Choices!


Browse through the hashtags #sgfood, #sgfoodporn and you are going to see lots of yummy local delights and a beautifully curated album of very well-taken foodfies.



A photo posted by SL (@phoebepapa) on Dec 27, 2016 at 8:45pm PST


Singaporeans are known for the love of our food and the rise of Instagram made taking foodfies and sharing them on your social media more than just a hobby. Just think about the number of times your friends stopped you from eating before they take some photos.

All the yummy food are definitely hard to resist. But it will also be difficult to get rid of our expanding waistlines as time goes by.

Therefore, wouldn't it be great if there's an app that allows you to continue your foodfies addiction for social sharing, and at the same time help you count your calories for a healthier you? Is that's something you are looking for, you need Crunch app. 

Click here to read an overview of Crunch, the weight management companion you need in your smartphone.


What is Crunch In?

One of the most important features in Crunch, just simply swipe the Crunch In slider in red and take a foodfie. Select your meals amongst an over 3,600 calorie-counted database of local dishes and get the estimated calories consumed and post it on your timeline. 

Counting calories can be daunting at times – however, there are many benefits to calorie-counting. The act of calorie counting provides a form of structure to help individuals meet their health-related goals, and counting calories is easier than actually comprehending the complex effects that food has on the body. It also helps individual identify patterns in their eating habits – that might explain the reason of their frequent tiredness, constipation, bloating or weight loss plateau.

Crunch uses both local and international food databases which are further refined by our Nutritionist to bring you a curated selection of over 3,600 dishes and it adopts the Henry’s equation which is not only the most rigorously tested formula for calculation of energy requirement but also applicable to Asians living in the modern world.


Benefits of Crunching In


Keep track of your daily calorie intake


Credit: Wise Geek  

When we record and keep track of what we eat, it is easier to make informed choices and hence makes it easier for us to manage our weight goals. We can set bite size calorie goals daily, for example, consuming 500 calories less per day, instead of long-term goals like losing 5kg in 2 months. And with goals that are easily achievable, we won't lose motivation that easily and give up on our weight loss journey. The same goes for you if you are trying to maintain your current weight, or if you are trying to gain some weight! What's more, besides tracking how much calories you consumed, Crunch's Crunch Out function helps you to track how many calories you burnt daily, to better aid you in your weight management. 


Share your foodfie


Credit: Kenya Breaking News

Foodfies have become such a phenomenon that it is almost a sin not to take a photo of your food before digging in, and it only makes perfect sense to share that beautiful foodfie with your friends on your social media. Browse through your friends' timeline in Crunch to see what they ate, and feel free to add likes and comments on their foodfies too!


More options for good and healthy food


Credit: IRMC Physician Group

Saw some trendy food like that galaxy donut, or pastries from the newly opened pastry shop from Hongkong on your friends' timeline? Your friend on Crunch posted a salad that he got from a cafe that serves healthy food? Now you have a gallery to explore and be the know-it-all for all the good food we have in Singapore.


Get reminders of your calorie balance for the day


Crunch In to track your calories consumed for the day, and Crunch Out to know how much you burnt. Crunch sends you a reminder to let you check your daily calorie balance. You can now have a peace of mind and let Crunch act your-your companion to your weight management goals. 



Download Crunch, between 15 Dec to 15 Jan, and stand a chance to win the grand prize of a staycation for two at Oasia Hotel Downtown valued at $189!

Unwind, relax at their infinity swimming pool or practice yoga on a lawn right in the middle of the lobby. A 24-hour accessible gym enables you to recharge anytime you want. Feel refreshed after your stay with Oasia!

*Terms & Conditions apply 


Bonus Only For MFP Members

Our Trendy Dishes Cheatsheet specially curated by our in-house nutritionist is filled with healthy eating tips.

Credit:Bored Panda

Galaxy-print donut, rainbow cheese toast, salted egg yolk carrot cake – we will show you how you can still makan and share a foodfie of all the trendy food you want – but still do so in a healthier way! 

Stock your brain up on sneaky little ways your stomach will thank you for. 


Early-bird Access

A customised nutritional plan for the first 100!  

  1. 5 days Detox plan
  2. 5 days Skincare plan
  3. 5 days Anti-constipation plan
  4. 5 days Bye-bye High Blood Pressure plan

What’s more our nutritionist will check-in with you at the end of your 5-day journey!


Wait no further. Eat Well, Live Better. Try out Crunch app that is available for both Android and Apple iOS devices now.

7 Easy Tips to Help You Keep Your "GET FIT" Resolutions in 2017


"Get fit" and "lose weight" are two of the most common New Year's resolutions out there. People start off with good intentions -- joining a gym and tossing the junk food from the fridge -- but often by Groundhog Day most are already backsliding into less than healthy habits. Check out these easy tips to help you keep your fitness resolution in 2017!

Credit: CNN

Don't Just Set a Goal, Set a Smart Goal

Pick something that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. If you want to drop a few pounds, you need to know how much you weigh and then set a fitness and workout schedule that will lead to consistent weight loss resulting in you reaching your target weight within a specific period of time. 

Credit: Weekdone

Get a Support System

Waking up when it's still cold and dark outside to hit the gym can be tough. A roommate, friend or relative will hold you accountable. No one likes it when their BFF bails on a spin class and you'll have more fun with someone to take workout selfies with. Can't find a workout buddy nearby? Try an activity tracker like a Fitbit and share your data with out-of-town friends and family.


Find an Activity You Like

If you don't like running, why are you doing it? Forcing yourself into workouts you don't enjoy will just lead to you finding reasons to skip them.

Credit: Facesofonly

Set a Schedule

You have to make time for fitness because fitness will never make time for you. If you keep telling yourself that you'll squeeze a workout in when you get the chance, it's not going to happen. Whether it's a regular pickup soccer game, hitting the treadmill, or heading to yoga, committing to a schedule will help you build healthy habits into your lifestyle in a way you will maintain. We recommend setting a three month schedule.

Credit: Univeristy of Waterloo

Don't Be a Desk Sloucher

Anyone who works a desk job has to admit they spend too much of their day sitting, and if they're honest, slouching too. A stability ball helps your posture and engages your core while you type up those reports and answer calls. It can burn an extra 150-200 calories a day. A standing or convertible desk can also get you out of your chair for at least part of your day, so stop slouching on the desk!

Credit: Pridemagazineonline

Keep Food Away From Your Desk & Avoid Liquid Calories

It's easy to munch the day away while you're at work. Constantly grabbing for candy, chips and pretzels adds up, even if you're only snacking on a few at a time. Also, be conscious of what you're drinking throughout the day -- soda, fruit drinks and complicated coffee drinks may be easy to sip on but you may end up drinking a lot more calories than you realize. Water has zero calories -- try keeping a reusable water bottle on your desk and see if it helps cut down on trips to the vending machine.

Credit: Cover

Reward Yourself for Achieving Goals

Make it to every workout this week? Lose those first thee pounds? Treat yourself to a massage or a new exercise outfit. They'll make you feel good about what you've achieved and want to keep going.

Credit: Strip

Original article appears on ABC13

[Crunch Out] Make Burning Calories Fun with Crunch


These days, working out is no longer as simple as putting on your comfiest tee and shorts and heading downstairs to the park for a jog.

Credit: Just Run Lah

We put on our sassiest workout gear (and why not just don an athleisure outfit and head out instead of having to change at the gym?) and fitness tracker, head over to the gym or the latest Kpop fitness class we signed up for. After flexing our muscles and finishing up our cardios, we won't forget to take a post-workout selfie to post it on social media. 

Credit: Brighton Bulletin

Back to the basics, burning calories is an important part of weight management, and tracking your calories in and out can help you manage your weight easily.

What if I tell you, the Crunch app that we have been talking about not just help you track all your calories in and calories out, it encapsulates the fun elements of photo taking and social sharings too?


Here's what Crunch Out is all about and why you should join in the fun too!


1. Track your calories burnt

As much as it is important to count how much calories you consumed, it is also very important to track the number of calories you burn daily. Depending on whether your goal is to lose weight, gain weight, or to maintain your weight, it is necessary to keep track of the calories balance daily. As a general rule of the thumb, have a calorie deficit if you are looking to lose weight, a surplus if you are trying to gain some weight. However, that said, according to Harvard's School of Public Health, "rather than focusing on calories alone, however, emerging research shows that quality is also key in determining what we should eat and what we should avoid in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Rather than choosing foods based only on caloric value, think instead about choosing high-quality, healthy foods, and minimizing low-quality foods."


2. Share your post workout selfie

Credit: Imgur

The fun part about Crunching Out, unlike any other calorie counters, is that it requires you to post a photo together before you can complete your Crunch Out process. Snap a post workout selfie, get your gym mate to take you workout OOTD for you, snap a photo of your new found abs, that pair of new running shoes you bought, or the newest pose you mastered in your pole dance class. Of course, this photo is shared on your Crunch timeline for all your friends to see!


3. Confidence booster

Crunching out marks the end of your workout and according to one of our Crunch users, James (@james_awyong), it is a confidence booster as he knows that he has finished his regime and is on the way to a healthier him. Besides that, it helps to motivate us to keep going since you can now track your calories easily, and most importantly, you can also track all the workouts you have complete just by scrolling through your own timeline.


4. See what your friends are doing and get motivated

Just like what our teachers used to say to us, our peers can help to motivate us achieve better results, and the same goes for workout results. Scrolling through your friend's timeline and saw that she achieved his next medal in Crunch? Or did he managed to move on to the next level for Yoga? I'm sure you will be motivated to do your personal best too!


5. Be in the know for interesting workout options

Pilates Barre /Credit: Studio 7 Pilates

Instead of heading to the gym and going for a jog all the time, look out for exciting workout ideas that your friends may post, or fitness classes deals that you can find in Crunch. Your buddy may post a photo of herself doing the new Pilates Barre and another one hanging onto the straps for her Aerial Yoga. Ask them about it and get started on the trendiest workout regimes too. Calorie burning can be fun too!

Read this article here to see how you can Crunch Out easily and I'm sure your friends would love to see these photos on your Crunch Out timeline!


6. Be in the know of what's fashionable 

Sports wear are just like our regular fashion, they too have got their trends and what's hot and what's not. For the trendy us, workout gear has got to be nice and fashionable, and not just functional! Find out from your friends where she got her pretty sports bra when she Crunch Out on her timeline. Ask that fitness geek which about the fitness tracker that he highly recommended in his feed too.




Download Crunch, between 15 Dec to 15 Jan, and stand a chance to win the grand prize of a staycation for two at Oasia Hotel Downtown valued at $189!

Unwind, relax at their infinity swimming pool or practice yoga on a lawn right in the middle of the lobby. A 24-hour accessible gym enables you to recharge anytime you want. Feel refreshed after your stay with Oasia!

*Terms & Conditions apply 


Bonus Only For MFP Members

Our Trendy Dishes Cheatsheet specially curated by our in-house nutritionist is filled with healthy eating tips.

Credit:Bored Panda

Galaxy-print donut, rainbow cheese toast, salted egg yolk carrot cake – we will show you how you can still makan and share a foodfie of all the trendy food you want – but still do so in a healthier way! 

Stock your brain up on sneaky little ways your stomach will thank you for. 


Early-bird Access

A customised nutritional plan for the first 100!  

  1. 5 days Detox plan
  2. 5 days Skincare plan
  3. 5 days Anti-constipation plan
  4. 5 days Bye-bye High Blood Pressure plan

What’s more our nutritionist will check-in with you at the end of your 5-day journey!


Wait no further. Eat Well, Live Better. Try out Crunch app that is available for both Android and Apple iOS devices now.


Upgrade Your Spring Cleaning & Burn More Calories Now!


With January comes, Lunar New Year! We say, it’s not just about spring cleaning your crib to chase away all the bad luck, but also an opportune time to add some novelties to your cleaning, and torch away all the extra calories you accumulated in the past year. Get ready to bid goodbye to the old, and welcome the new! 


Credit: Absolute Services

Cleaning the Windows

Removing a year’s worth of dirt and grime from the windows is no small feat—that’s why you burn 185 worth of calories per hour (~ 2 pieces of pineapple tarts). Remember to switch your arms while cleaning, to ensure that both arms get a good work out.


Credit: Authentic Cleaner

Upgrade your cleaning & burn more calories by pile squatting in front of the windows, while you wipe the windows vigorously in a large clockwise manner. Repeat for 10 times, then go anticlockwise, before switching arms. Oh before we forget, squatting helps to burn 104 calories every hour.


Credit: Lifehack


Scrubbing the Bathroom Floor

Stop thinking that getting down on all fours for scrubbing is your worst nightmare, it’s in fact your best friend in terms of getting a decent workout! Still not convinced? Just an hour of the scrubbing burns 116 to 375 calories, depending on how vigorously you actually scrubbed.


Credit: The Gap

For extra fitness boost, try placing your hands on the edge of the sink, and do some push ups between scrubs for 15 minutes (yes, you burn approximately 2.5 mini deep fried shrimp rolls, 55 calories). Make sure the surfaces are dry, a blue black on your forehead is not pretty!



Did you know that an hour of vacuuming could burn as many as 190 calories? Which means you really deserves that slice of chicken bak kua afterwards (just kidding). But don’t let the fun stop there. Cue your festive tune, put on some comfy clothes, and dance in between your vacuums. 


Credit: Her Space

Make your vacuuming more intense with some single leg lunges. Keep your upper body straight, step forward with your right leg, and lower your hips until both knees are bent at 90 degree. Keep your weight in the heels as you push back to the starting position. Repeat for 20 times, before switching leg.


Credit: Cleanleanmommymachine

Changing the Bed Sheets

After 30 minutes of changing your sheets to a colourful set, your body is definitely gleeful, as it burns 95 calories. However, you can make your body more joyful, by doing the Bam Bam Slam.


Credit: Jellyfields

Sounds violent? Fret not. Stand on your bed, and hold your pillow, with your knees slightly bent into a pile squat position. With fully extended arms, raise the pillow overhead. Drop into a low squat position and bring the pillow down to your navel. Release and let the pillow slam on the floor. Quickly grab the pillow, and return to the starting position. Repeat as many times as possible. 



Although mopping burns approximately 2.5 pieces of loveletter in an hour (144 calories), yet not many people enjoy doing it. However, you can choose to add some fun into it with lateral twist. 


Credit: Urbane Women

Start off in a lunge position (refer to above), hold the mop with your arms extended straight in front of you. Twist your upper body laterally to the left. Return to the original position, and repeat for 60 seconds before changing sides.


Garbage Curls

Last but not least, remember to seize the opportunity to do a few biceps curls as you carry the thrash of your spring cleaning to the rubbish chute.


Activities calories were all calculated based on a 55kg adult.

8 Wonderful Ways to Burn Calories During CNY Visitations


Truthfully, you do not have to be guilty for all the postponed exercise dates this CNY, or even feel sorry that your mouth is the only one to enjoy all the wiggling exercises (due to too much munching on goodies). With some wit, you can continue to “workout” & gather all your muscles in the CNY party too!


Credit: Must Share News


Park It Right

We are definitely not suspicious of your parking skills, however you need to park it at the right spot to torch the calories. And yes, the right spot is not directly at your destination, but somewhere further away (say 2 blocks away). Doing so causes you to walk more while visiting! Parking just 15 minutes away from your destination burns 2 mini fried shrimp rolls (44 calories).


Credit: Smahc


Ditch the Lift

Climbing the stairs is definitely a big NO for some of us, especially for the ladies who don high heels during CNY. Before you dismiss the idea, know that every 5 minutes of stairs climbing gives you the reason to grab another piece of fish ball (16 calories) from the steamboat. The bottom line is, if you’re a fish ball lover, then climb more stairs. 


Credit: Hiamag


Stand Up

We know the urge to just sit and “stone”, especially after a long day of visitation or hosting. But trust us when we say you reap more benefits with standing up. Just standing up for 30 minutes gives your stomach space for approximately another 3 pieces of kuih bangkit (52 calories). But wait, we do not mean just standing in one lonely corner. Make yourself useful, stand up to greet your relatives and help to serve the goodies. Otherwise, you could stand and mingle with the guests.


Credit: Atlantic Shopping


Fulfil Your Aunty/ Uncle Duties

Only get to see your young nieces or nephews once in a while? Well, why not take this CNY to fulfil your aunty or uncle duties? Rest assured, there’s no need for any HTHT with them. All you need is just sit around and play with them for 30 minutes (any game is fine). You will be happy to know that your efforts will definitely pay off! (Burns 64 calories).


Credit: Huffington


Take the Stage

Always harbour that secret desire to be the next Superstar? Well, hold back no more, take this chance to liven up the CNY atmosphere! Volunteer to entertain your relatives by singing some festive tunes. Don’t worry if you don’t have a “Mariah Carey” voice, chances are they will laugh it off and forget it the next day. Reward yourself with a piece of loveletter (56 calories) after 30 minutes of singing. 


Credit: Scoot Topper


Gather Some Babysitting Experience

We know how it feels to have “kaypoh” relatives or friends who love bombarding us with marriage and pregnancy questions. This year, stun them with your marvellous babysitting skills. Fret not, just carry the baby, pace around & pray that he or she won’t cry for the entire hour. Thanks to the baby that you get to eat that piece of chicken bak kwa (175 calories) after the “ordeal”.  


Credit: Tesco


Wash the Plates

Remember how our mommas always teach us to be courteous since young? We hate to admit, but our mums are always right (this helps to burn some calories). Volunteer to wash the dishes after a satisfying steamboat session rather than leaving it to the host. Just 30 minutes of washing burns away the piece of pineapple tart that you ate (95 calories).


Credit: All Green Sites
All activities calculated based on 55 kg adult
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