We don’t know about you, but the past few seasons of “Games of Thrones” has got us thinking how awesome it would be if we would be able to get some defined sexy muscles by wielding the sword or launching a flaming bow that flies miles in the air like Arya Stark. Turns out, there are ways to integrate the old-world workouts into our modern exercise routine, just in time to prepare us for Westeros (oops, sorry we mean the new season of G.O.T).
Credit: Newboss
Club Bell (Inspired by Sword Equivalent)
We would say the swinging of the sword is definitely not for the weaklings (at least for those in Westeros). To fight over there, it's a must to strengthen the wrists and forearms. Thankfully you don't need a sword to do that, investing in a club bell is all you need. Perform 15 overhead chops in consecutive sets with little rest for some muscle-toning agony torture. Don't have a club bell or don't know what it is? No worries, a kettlebell or dumb bell will do the same trick too.
Credit: RMX
Credit: Pinterest
15 minutes of weight training (light effort) burns 72 calories, which is almost equivalent to 1 cup (194g) Kopi C Siu Dai
Resistance Band (Inspired by Bow & Arrow)
Launching 10 over fiery arrows per minute like your favourite characters in GOT definitely requires some extraordinary level of fitness. Though the bows depicted in the show might appear feather-liked, but an ancient bow can easily weigh up to 75 pounds. Thankfully, you don’t need to carry such a heavy bow, a resistance band is all you need. Perform multiple sets of sing-arm row using your band to enhance your sling-ing ability.
Credit: Pinterest
Meddling with the resistance bands is definitely not child play, in case you din know different colours of bands carries different levels of resistance. See below:
Credit: Top.me
Weighted Vest Aerobic Dance (Inspired by Donning of Armour)
To survive at the battleground like Jon Snow, you definitely need some serious upper torso strength to sustain the high degree of mobility while donning the heavy steel across your torso. Don yourself with a weighted vest of appropriate weight and dance to your favourite tune, while taking short rest in between. Do remember to consult a certified fitness coach if you’re unaware of how to properly perform this exercise.