Truthfully, you do not have to be guilty for all the postponed exercise dates this CNY, or even feel sorry that your mouth is the only one to enjoy all the wiggling exercises (due to too much munching on goodies). With some wit, you can continue to “workout” & gather all your muscles in the CNY party too!
Credit: Must Share News
Park It Right
We are definitely not suspicious of your parking skills, however you need to park it at the right spot to torch the calories. And yes, the right spot is not directly at your destination, but somewhere further away (say 2 blocks away). Doing so causes you to walk more while visiting! Parking just 15 minutes away from your destination burns 2 mini fried shrimp rolls (44 calories).
Credit: Smahc
Ditch the Lift
Climbing the stairs is definitely a big NO for some of us, especially for the ladies who don high heels during CNY. Before you dismiss the idea, know that every 5 minutes of stairs climbing gives you the reason to grab another piece of fish ball (16 calories) from the steamboat. The bottom line is, if you’re a fish ball lover, then climb more stairs.
Credit: Hiamag
Stand Up
We know the urge to just sit and “stone”, especially after a long day of visitation or hosting. But trust us when we say you reap more benefits with standing up. Just standing up for 30 minutes gives your stomach space for approximately another 3 pieces of kuih bangkit (52 calories). But wait, we do not mean just standing in one lonely corner. Make yourself useful, stand up to greet your relatives and help to serve the goodies. Otherwise, you could stand and mingle with the guests.
Credit: Atlantic Shopping
Fulfil Your Aunty/ Uncle Duties
Only get to see your young nieces or nephews once in a while? Well, why not take this CNY to fulfil your aunty or uncle duties? Rest assured, there’s no need for any HTHT with them. All you need is just sit around and play with them for 30 minutes (any game is fine). You will be happy to know that your efforts will definitely pay off! (Burns 64 calories).
Credit: Huffington
Take the Stage
Always harbour that secret desire to be the next Superstar? Well, hold back no more, take this chance to liven up the CNY atmosphere! Volunteer to entertain your relatives by singing some festive tunes. Don’t worry if you don’t have a “Mariah Carey” voice, chances are they will laugh it off and forget it the next day. Reward yourself with a piece of loveletter (56 calories) after 30 minutes of singing.
Credit: Scoot Topper
Gather Some Babysitting Experience
We know how it feels to have “kaypoh” relatives or friends who love bombarding us with marriage and pregnancy questions. This year, stun them with your marvellous babysitting skills. Fret not, just carry the baby, pace around & pray that he or she won’t cry for the entire hour. Thanks to the baby that you get to eat that piece of chicken bak kwa (175 calories) after the “ordeal”.
Credit: Tesco
Wash the Plates
Remember how our mommas always teach us to be courteous since young? We hate to admit, but our mums are always right (this helps to burn some calories). Volunteer to wash the dishes after a satisfying steamboat session rather than leaving it to the host. Just 30 minutes of washing burns away the piece of pineapple tart that you ate (95 calories).